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Trigger Point Injections


Trigger Point Injections

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What We Treat

Dr. Parul Goel, a pain management provider with Barrow Brain and Spine in Phoenix, AZ, utilizes trigger point injections as an effective method for managing pain conditions.

Trigger points are hyperirritable knots within muscles that can cause localized or referred pain. Trigger point injections involve the direct administration of medication into these trigger points to alleviate pain, reduce muscle tension, and improve overall function.

Dr. Parul Goel employs a comprehensive approach to trigger point injections, beginning with a thorough evaluation of the patient's medical history, symptoms, and physical examination. This allows her to accurately identify the trigger points contributing to the patient's pain.

During the procedure, Dr. Goel uses a combination of her clinical expertise and advanced techniques to precisely locate and target the trigger points. The injections typically contain a local anesthetic, such as lidocaine, and may also include a corticosteroid to reduce inflammation and promote long-lasting pain relief.

The injection process is relatively quick and minimally invasive. Dr. Goel carefully inserts a small needle into the trigger point and administers the medication. The medication works by numbing the area, disrupting the pain cycle, and relaxing the affected muscle.

By directly addressing the trigger points, Dr. Goel's trigger point injections offer several benefits. They can provide immediate pain relief, improve muscle function and range of motion, and enhance the effectiveness of other treatment modalities such as physical therapy or chiropractic care.

Dr. Goel's approach is personalized and patient-centered. She considers the unique needs of each individual and tailors the treatment plan accordingly. Her expertise and experience in trigger point injections, coupled with her compassionate approach, help patients manage various pain conditions, including myofascial pain syndrome, fibromyalgia, tension headaches, and musculoskeletal disorders.

Dr. Parul Goel's use of trigger point injections in treating pain conditions exemplifies her commitment to providing comprehensive care that focuses on alleviating discomfort, restoring function, and improving the overall quality of life for her patients in Phoenix, AZ.


Living a life in pain? Contact us today to begin your treatment journey.

Every patient experiences pain differently.

We understand that each patient's pain is unique, and there are various factors that contribute to their pain treatment journey. While the list below provides insight into some of the conditions we commonly treat, we encourage you to schedule an appointment for a thorough evaluation.

  • Arthritis pain
  • Back pain
  • Cancer pain
  • Chronic headaches and migraines
  • Neuropathic pain
  • Osteoporosis pain
  • Pelvic pain
  • Phantom limb pain
  • Postherpetic neuralgia
  • Sciatica
  • Shingles pain
  • Spinal stenosis pain
  • Sports injuries 
  • Work-related injuries
  • And more...
5-time AZ Top Doc, Parul Goel, MD, is a double-board certified interventional pain specialist at world-renowned Barrow Brain and Spine. Dr. Goel offers patients a comprehensive approach to pain management that includes physical therapy, injection therapy and medication management.

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We are committed to helping you live a pain-free life. Contact us today.